We know it is the perception that really counts.

CryptoTheorem helps you to see the world as consumers see it. We use technology and human understanding to tell you what the millions of conversations taking place online every day mean for you.
Our granular analysis allows us to work across a wide range of industry sectors on strategic questions. We love the variety of topics we immerse ourselves in to see human behavior across many contexts.
We enjoy going beyond the obvious, driven by curiosity and creativity to learn about people in a new and exciting way, framing and re-framing it in order to find ways of establishing impactful communications

We know, it is the
narratives that matter.


We always strive for elaborate results and do our best for our clients.


When should you use Crypto Theorem?

Our approaches respond to a wide variety of questions which, when answered through social, become fully grounded in authentic consumer experience. Here are just some of the ways our clients have used them.

Business Strategy

  • Entering new markets
  • Market strategy and positioning
  • New and unexpected trends
  • Identifying competitive threats
  • Social activism and awareness
  • Service delivery troubleshooting


  • Discovering consumer journeys
  • Authentic consumer language
  • Market segmentation
  • Messaging to specific targets
  • Content marketing strategy
  • Identifying influencers, opinion shapers

Product Development

  • Barriers to product adoption
  • Product usage (text, imagery, and unexpected users)
  • Category & competitor understanding

Customer Experience

  • Contextual customer satisfaction
  • Finding unpopular or socially-unacceptable points of view


  • Brand image and perception
  • Competitive analysis
  • Re-branding

Our Products

Social Mirror
The mirror is a light-weight and fast turn-around product, providing agencies, insight professionals and strategists with access to raw qualitative data. It is perfect springboard to research or communication projects.
Narrative Landscape
Explores the triggers, topics, and themes of a people's conversation around any issue, category, or brand to deliver the narratiev content and frames defining people's perceptions, attitudes, needs and journeys.
Inspiration Highway
Acquires a deep understanding of if the audience segments by shedding light on people's needs, motivations, language, and behavior. Persona analysis leverages the self-reflexivity of social communication to discern need-states.
Persona Landscape
We provide a range of retained insight and reporting services to guide our clients with consultancy beyond the insights for strategic communication challenges. Our broad expertise in strategy and communications and an extensive network of experts around the world allow our clients to get ahead with mission-critical objectives.

How can this data work for you?


Because we listen to authentic voices, and our work is not biased by the assumptions in traditional research approaches..


Our Approach

Why Social Intelligence
Everyone knows social media is big and important. It's increasingly where things are happening. Social media has massive implications for how one can do research. For first time we can observe natural communications without being part of it. This leads to a new perspective on reality - unfiltered truths straight from people.

Our Approach

Why Crypto Theorem
We developed an approach to social media research that combines technology, human intelligence and academic rigor. We dovetail big data analytics, social theory and psychology for a granular understanding "to make sense of it all". We do this at scale, across markets, languages and industries. Insights from social media are different. There are discovered without asking, removing the influence of research itself, they reflect the world as people see it.


Insights from social media are different , They are discovered without asking, removing the influence of research itself, they reflect the world as people see it.

Invisible Insights

Because we are human, we can read between the lines and hear what is not being said. People express opinions in social media they would not in research.

Natural Context

Conversations take place in communities of interest where people organically converse with their peers. Expressions emerge when and where people feel they have something to share.

Collected at Scale

We collect everything on the open web to have not a sample, but the full data landscape. With our large native analyst teams reading tens of thousands of mentions across markets and audiences we make sense at scale.

Accessing Insights

With over five years of experience and hundreds of research projects behind us, we have developed reporting solutions to efficiently deliver answers.